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Ecosuperb Food Grains & Cereals

Ecosuperb Foods is dedicated to offering high-quality grains and cereals to both Indian and global consumers, embodying the principle of excellence in sourcing and selling nutritious products. Ecosuperb Foods is revolutionizing the way we approach nutrition with their innovative initiatives focusing on grains and cereals. Their commitment to sustainability and health is evident in their sourcing of high quality food grains from trusted suppliers in India which are nutritious and environmentally friendly.

By promoting the consumption of whole grains and cereals, Ecosuperb Foods aims to enhance public health while reducing the ecological footprint of food production. Through partnerships with quality conscious food suppliers and stringent quality control measures, we ensure that every product upholds their standards of excellence. Ecosuperb’s dedication to promoting healthier eating choices through grains and cereals signifies a promising shift towards a more sustainable & nourishing food future.

By ensuring authenticity and sustainability in every purchase and sale, we look forward to be develop sustainability and high-quality food grains in India and the world over.

Here are the variety of grains & cereals that we deal in –

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bengal gram (desi chickpeas / desi chana)

Humble yet potent, the unpretentious Bengal gram has been nutritional societies for thousands of times. With its warm, earthy aroma and delicate tan tinge, this humble desi chickpea may feel modest, but do not be wisecracked- it’s packed with a nutritive wallop. Whether coddled into thick, delicate curries, roasted into a crisp snack, or hypercritically mulled into the iconic besan flour, Bengal gram delivers wholesome factory- grounded protein, fiber, and a constellation of essential minerals.

Embedded in ancient Ayurvedic traditions, this protean legume has rightfully earned its” superfood” status over centuries of nourishing the South Asian key’s different societies. From the iron that energizes our bloodstream to the zinc fortifying our vulnerable systems, Bengal gram’s nutritive merits are a testament to the wisdom of those who first celebrated it. And its true magic lies in how unexpectedly well it retains those health- giving rates indeed after being roasted or mulled into flour form. So sprinkle that sweet besan into your batters, or toss those roasted desi chana into salads- this dateless palpitation offers food as vibrantly scrumptious as it’s nurturing.


arhar dal/ pigeon pea Ecosuperb

A culinary convention consequently deeply laced into India’s vibrant shade, the unpretentious chump pea has graced thali chargers for conceptions old. Given fondly as arhar, toor or the suggestive red gram, this sturdy palpitation has sustained the key’s different crowd through dearths and feasts likewise with its nutrient- thick, delicate immolations. Each summer’s appearance ushers in the reverential sowing season, as growers sambrace the invigorating thunderstorm rainfalls to tuck these sturdy legumes into Mother Earth’s incubating soils.

For those founded into the necromancy of Indian cookery, arhar dal needs no preface- its distinct earthy aroma and wonderfully thick, satiny texture formerly coddled into a dal medication are the veritably substance of incomparibly assuring flavors. But beyond its part as a cherished mealtime chief, the red gram conceals an emotional batch of health- giving away rates.A hustler of factory- grounded protein, grittiness, and essential minerals like iron, bobby and phosphorus, this senior palpitation has rightfully cemented its” superfood” status over centuries of faithfully nutritional bodies and souls likewise across the South Asian region’s rich artistic shade.


Green Beans (Moong Beans), Mung beans Ecosuperb

Allow me tell you about one of nature’s little rocks the unpretentious moong bean. These bitsy verdant legumes may be fragile, but they are portion of a monumental, vibrant blood. Yes, moong sap go to the vast legume clan alongside their relatives like lentils, peas, and sap of all shapes and sizes.
While moong sap have been formed for centuries their story begins in senior India where they were first tamed. From their ancestral home, these protean sap made their expressway across Asia chancing indulgence in the cookeries of China and Southeast Asian nations. Whether enjoyed as a fresh brickle salad or coddled into comforting lentil dishes and mists moong sap have come a cherished component in numerous traditional fashions.
Turns out, moong sap are a nutritive hustler! They are plugged with factory- grounded proteins, vitamins, minerals & grittiness to keep you feeling reenergized and gratified. Plus, they contain surprising composites like oligosaccharides and polyphenols, which contribute to this precious food’s antioxidant, anti microbial,anti-inflammatory & indeed anticancer parcels. It’s like having a bitsy comestible superhero on your plate!


kabuli chana / Chickpeas Ecosuperb

Let’s talk about the potent chickpea, shall we? Also known as kabuli chana these nutty legumes are a true superfood in disguise. Do not let their unpretentious appearance fool you – chickpeas are packed with fiber and we all know how important that’s for our health!

That is right folks the fiber in chickpeas is a real game- changer. It helps keep our cholesterol situations in check which is pivotal for maintaining a healthy heart. But that is not all this fiber also helps regulate our blood sugar situations making chickpeas a fantastic choice for those looking to keep their glucose in balance.

And the benefits just keep coming! Chickpeas are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals making them a nutritional addition to any diet. They can prop in weight loss by keeping you feeling fuller for longer and their fiber content helps promote smooth digestion( if you know what I mean!). Some indeed say that chickpeas may have cancer precluding parcels and could potentially delay aging. Talk about a superfood megastar!


black matpe (urad / mah / black gram) Ecosuperb

Have you ever heard of the humble yet protean black matpe? This unpretentious legume goes by numerous names – black gram, urad bean, urid bean, and the lyrical monikers of matimah, matikolai, crush kalai, and maas kalo daal, among others. Hailing from the vibrant lands of South Asia, the black matpe has been a salutary chief for generations.

While it may feel like an ordinary bean, the black matpe has a rather fascinating botanical trip. You see, like its relative, the ever-popular mung bean, this legume was formerly classified under the Phaseolus rubric. still, after some scientific shuffling, it set up its new home in the Vigna family – talk about a factory identity extremity!

But do not let its taxonomic twists and turns fool you – the black matpe is a true nutritive hustler! Whether you enjoy it as urad dal( split) or whole, this bean packs a serious punch. Urad dal is an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates, lipids( that’s fancy talk for healthy fats), iron, and calcium.


red kidney beans (rajma) Ecosuperb

Allow’s talk about the star of numerous a Punjabi feast – the cherished rajma, or red order bean! This hearty legume has obtained the capitals and palates of food suckers across the region and it’s ready to know why.

For starters rajma is a veritable treasure trove of nutrients. These vibrant sap are plugged with healthy proteins, essential minerals and an batch of vitamins that work together to support common heartiness. But that is not all rajma is also a fantastic supporter for those observing their cargo. Thanks to its high protein and grittiness content these sap can support you feel fuller for longer making it easier to stick to your pretensions.

While rajma may control supreme in Punjabi cookery its civilization extends far beyond the region. These protean sap thrive in the rich lands of Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and the northeastern countries of India. From prosperous fields to storming plate, rajma’s trip is a corroboration to its seeing fashion ability and culinary versatility.


black eyed peas (lobia) Ecosuperb

Let’s give it up for the obscure idol of the legume family – the humble yet potent black- eyed pea, affectionately known as lobiya! While it may not enjoy the same fame as some of its relatives, this little bean has been a cherished part of the culinary geography in pockets of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and western Uttar Pradesh.

But do not let its modest character fool you – lobiya packs a serious nutritive punch! These little bootstrappers are absolutely brimming with essential vitamins and minerals that are pivotal for insectivores & meat- eaters likewise. From furnishing an instant energy boost to supporting muscle growth & strengthening bones lobiya truly delivers on all fronts.

And the benefits just keep on coming! Lobiya can be a fantastic supporter for those looking to exfoliate a many pounds as its fiber and protein content help promote a feeling of wholeness, making it easier to stick to your weight- loss pretensions. But that is not all – these protean legumes also aid in regulating blood sugar situations perfecting digestion and giving your vulnerable system a important- demanded boost. Talk about a true superfood!


red lentils (masoor ki dal ) Ecosuperb

Ah, the unpretentious masoor dal – a true star in the world of lentils! This unpretentious little legume may not look like important, but it’s a veritable hustler of nutrients that can do prodigies for your common health, especially when it comes to your peepers.
That is right, people – masoor dal is absolutely laden with eye- friendly vitamins like A, C, and E. These essential nutrients work together like a well- waxed engine, helping to conserve healthy unreality and keep those pesky time– related eye effects at bay. Whether you are appearing to cover your presence from macular debilitation or keep cataracts from cramping your phraseology, this protein- plugged dal has got you covered.
But stay, there is further! Not only is masoor dal a unreality– enhancing superfood, but it’s also an antioxidant hustler, thanks to its emotional canon of factory– grounded composites. And allow‘s not forget about the succulent, nutty air that makes this lentil a kitchen chief across innumerous homesconsequently, when should you sow the seeds for this nutritive phenomenonimmaculately, betweenmid-October and the first week of November – precisely in time for a comfortable crop of eye- friendly virtuousness!


white peas / Matar Ecosuperb

Let’s talk about a true culinary trimmer – the unpretentious yet incredibly protean white pea or as it’s known in some corridor, safed vatana or safed matar. These little gems may not look like important at first regard, but they have got a fascinating trip from factory to plate.

You see, white peas start their lives as humble green peas, nestled snugly within their defensive capsules. But once they have reached the peak of maturity a magical metamorphosis occurs. The capsules are gathered, and the peas are precisely dried and gently blandished out of their jackets revealing their delicate white tinge. It’s like they have gone through a little legume makeover!

But the real magic of white peas lies in their emotional nutritive profile. These unpretentious legumes are a veritable treasure trove of zinc a important antioxidant that works lifelessly to combat those pesky free revolutionaries. And that is not all – zinc also plays a pivotal part in promoting healthy hair growth, keeping your skin doused and glowing, boosting your vulnerable system and indeed guarding your heart. Talk about a true multi-tasker!


moth ki dal / dew bean Ecosuperb

Unpretentious in size yet potent in its jolt, the unpretentious moth bean, or matki dal, is a true hustler in the factory- grounded world. These petite legumes may be fragile, but they pack a nutritive punch that can profoundly profit colorful aspects of our health and well- being.
From strengthening our bones with their emotional batch of minerals to bolstering our vulnerable defenses with their bountiful force of zinc and vitamin B, moth sap are like a natural multivitamin in bitsy, comestible shape. But their superpowers do not stop there – these remarkable legumes are also abettors in the battle against redundant cargo, thanks to their high grittiness content that promotes passions of wholeness and mates in portion control. And for those seeking digestive harmony, moth sap are a true benefit, gently regulating bowel motions and promoting common gut health.
Those seeking radiant, glowing face, these legumes are like a natural catholicon, with their bounty of antioxidants and essential minerals working out to nurture and cover our body’s largest bulletin from the within out. grasp the unpretentious muscle of the moth bean, and unleash a world of holistic aliment that will leave you feeling truly vibrant and alive.


moong dal (yellow Lentils) Ecosuperb

In the dynamic world of Indian dals, one assortment sparkles as shinning as the sun itself – the unheroic moong dal. Too known as petite unheroic lentils, these bitsy vegetables pack a nutritive punch that gives a false representation of their straightforward measure. Adored for their gentle, nutty flavor and speedy cooking time, unheroic moong dal has been a chief in Indian kitchens for eras, gracing everything from healthy curries to sweet delectables.
Beyond their tastiness, unheroic moong dal is a genuine blessing to our bodies, advertising a riches of wellbeing benefits that make them a must- have in any heartiness-conscious kitchen. Their tall fiber substance is a boon for stomach related wellbeing, advancing standard bowel developments and abetting in the smooth working of our body’s characteristic detoxification forms. And for those on a weight- misfortune trip, unheroic moong dal is an incalculable supporter, much appreciated to its moo- calorie check and passionate protein substance that makes a difference keep you feeling full and fulfilled. Whether savored in a comforting dal dish or changed over into the tasty moong dal halwa, this brilliant lentil really sparkles as a dietary and juicy expansion to any mess.


yellow peas Ecosuperb

In the world of beats, the humble unheroic pea frequently takes a backseat to its further famed relatives. But make no mistake – these golden gems are a true superfood, packed with a wealth of nutrients and bioactive composites that offer a myriad of health benefits.
Beneath their unpretentious surface lies a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids making unheroic peas a nutritive hustler. But their true magic lies in their extraordinary bioactive parcels, which have been shown to retainanti-obesity,anti-atherosclerosis, and indeedanti-malignancy goods. These bitsy legumes are a redoubtable supporter in the fight against habitual conditions, with their unique bounce composition potentially offering protection against colon cancer and abetting in the regulation of blood glucose and cholesterol situations.
Yet, unheroic peas are further than just a health alcohol – they are a culinary delight, adding a subtle agreeableness and satisfying texture to a variety of dishes. Whether puréed into satiny mists, tossed into hearty salads, or converted into protein-rich galettes, these protean legumes are a oil for endless culinary creativity. Embrace the golden virtuousness of unheroic peas, and unleash a world of flavor and aliment that will elevate your refections to new heights.


green peas Ecosuperb

In the show of nature’s bounty, many vegetables can match the vibrant appeal of the unpretentious verdant pea. These petite balls, bursting with a green tinge, are further than precisely a pop of color on our plates – they are a nutritive hustler that deserves a position of integrity in any health- conscious kitchen.
What sets verdant peas piecemeal is their emotional nutrient profile. Unexpectedly low in calories yet plugged with grittiness, protein, and a host of vital vitamins and minerals, these little legumes punch well above their cargo class. But what truly makes verdant peas a culinary phenomenon is their inconceivable versatility. Whether wobbled into a stimulating salad, puréed into a satiny haze, or adding their hand agreeableness to archetypal dishes like samosas and pulao, these emerald rocks painlessly round a wide batch of flavors and cookeries.

The rejoinder lies in their daedal carbohydrate content, which places them exactly in the demesne of stiff vegetables, alongside potatoes, sludge, and squash. But sweat not, for this exclusively means that verdant peas extend a pleasurable balance of nutrients, furnishing both the nutritional advantages of vegetables and the satisfying food of wholesome beans.


brown lobia/Cowpeas Ecosuperb

Still, look no further than the humble cowpea, If you are looking for a nutritive hustler to keep your digestive system running easily. These unpretentious legumes are packed with fiber, nature’s broom that sweeps through your bowel promoting healthy digestion and signaling farewell to that uncomfortable backed- up feeling. shot farewell to constipation straits and embrace the comfort of regular, royal movements.

But cowpeas do not stop at just keeping effects moving – they are also a secret armament for boosting your body’s defenses. Thanks to their emotional stores of vitamins A and C, these little sap act as impunity boosters, arming your system with the nutrients it needs to fight off illness & keep you feeling your stylish, if restless nights have been anguishing you.Cowpeas have a trick up their sleeve – they are a natural source of the amino acid tryptophan, which helps promote the product of the sleep- regulating hormone melatonin. Say hello to more peaceful slumbers & well- rested mornings.


Faba beans / broad bean Ecosuperb

Meet the faba bean, an unpretentious legume that a packs serious nutritive  punch. This nice periodic factorygenerally known as the broad bean, may look modest, but it’s a true hustler in the world of probe crops. Imagine rows of vibrant verdant shops embroidering towards the sunshine, each one bursting with implicit to nurture both beast and humans likewise.But what truly sets the faba bean piecemeal is its remarkable health advantages. For starters, it’s a protein hustler making it an excellent liberty for those appearing to make and conserve  spare brawn mass. And with its generous helping of grittiness, these sap portray as a gentle reach for your digestive system promoting chronicity  and common gut health. But that is precisely the morning – faba sap also boast an emotional batch of antioxidants, essential nutrients and composites  that support check race sugar situations and brace heart health. Talk about a one- stop bazaar for entire– body heartiness! Whether you are appearing to take your cargo, boost your dynamism situations or exclusively nurture your body with nature’s finest, the unpretentious faba bean deserves a spot on your plate.


split green moong dal Ecosuperb

Still, you’ve likely encountered the vibrant green tinge of moong dal gracing your plate, If you are a addict of Indian cookery. But this split green gram is further than just a suitable face it’s a nutritive MVP. Imagine smelling into a dish where every lentil bursts with flavor and a delightfully firm texture. That is the magic of moong dal which has been precisely resolve but not stripped of its nutrient-rich external cocoon allowing it to retain its gorgeous emerald color.
But moong dal’s benefits extend far beyond its aesthetic appeal and succulent taste. This humble lentil is a truemulti-tasker when it comes to promoting overall well- being. Need to give your digestive system a gentle punch? Moong dal’s fiber content is over to the task. Looking to exfoliate a many pounds? Its sating nature can help you feel fuller for longer, making it a great supporter in your weight loss trip. And let’s not forget its capability to help regulate cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar situations – a triadic trouble for maintaining a healthy heart and balanced metabolism. From the classic comfort of khichdi to endless culinary possibilities moong dal is a protean component that truly deserves a spot in your kitchen.


Horse gram / kulthi dal Ecosuperb

In the vibrant world of lentils, horse gram stands apart as an unsung hero with roots stretching back to ancient healing traditions. Also known by its endearing Hindi name kulthi dal, this humble legume has long been revered in Ayurvedic medicine and by Sri Lankan healers for its potent therapeutic properties. Beneath its unassuming exterior lies a nutritional powerhouse brimming with natural compounds that have benefited human health for millennia. Horse gram lentils aren’t merely nourishing sustenance—they’re an age-old tonic to bolster the body’s vitality. Their robust, earthy notes lend themselves remarkably to rounding out curries, dals, and stews with hearty plant-based protein. But horse gram’s virtues extend far beyond the culinary. Ayurvedic practitioners have long tapped into its natural astringent and diuretic qualities to alleviate rheumatism, neuralgia, and other inflammatory conditions. Even today, this ancient “super lentil” is gaining newfound appreciation as a functional food that can potentially boost immunity, regulate blood sugar, and promote overall wellness. In cultures across the globe, horse gram’s powerful legacy as both sustenance and traditional remedy has stood the test of time.


black peas (Kala matar) Ecosuperb

Unassuming yet striking, the black pea—known affectionately as kala matar or kala vatana—stands out from the legume family with its inky, bead-like appearance. Don’t let their humble looks deceive you, though. These petite pulses pack a serious nutritional punch thanks to their concentrated plant-based protein, fiber, and robust vitamin and mineral profiles. In Indian cuisine, their distinctive earthy flavor enhances curries, dals, and rice dishes with delightfully nutty undertones.

But black peas are far more than just culinary gems. For centuries, traditional Ayurvedic practitioners have tapped into their therapeutic benefits as a functional food to support whole-body wellness. Their unique nutritional makeup shows promise for augmenting eye health, regulating blood pressure, and even alleviating arthritis symptoms thanks to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In the modern world of superfood obsessions, these unsung ancient legumes are finally getting their well-deserved moment in the spotlight as a nutrient-dense addition to any balanced diet. From humble beginnings, the black pea continues to showcase its powerful, health-promoting potential.


hyacinth bean / Lablab / val Ecosuperb

The humble hyacinth bean goes by many names lablab, val and perhaps most charmingly, the “Chinese flowering bean.” While this versatile legume may not be a household name across the United States, it’s been cultivated for centuries across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, both for its edible bounty and showy, vibrant blossoms. In Florida, you’re most likely to spot these eye-catching vines adorning gardens purely for ornamental splendor. But don’t let their lovely looks fool you—beneath those delicate flowers lies a nutritional powerhouse. Mother Nature has bestowed the unassuming hyacinth bean with a veritable treasure trove of vital macro and micronutrients that support whole-body wellness. The beans themselves are teeming with plant-based protein to build strong muscles and provide lasting energy. They’re also rich in fiber to promote healthy digestion and blood sugar regulation. But that’s just the start hyacinth beans overflow with an array of essential minerals like iron, zinc, folate, and antioxidants that play protective roles throughout the body. No wonder ancient cultures spanning the globe have revered and cultivated this humble legume for generations as both nutritious sustenance vibrant garden ornamentation.


Golden Yellow Sesame Seeds/ peele til Ecosuperb

Radiant and golden, these unheroic sesame seeds are true luminaries in the world of nutrition. Do not let their modest size fool you – within each bitsy seed lies a treasure trove of essential nutrients.

Calcium, proteins, vitamins, iron, phosphorus, and salutary fiber all find a cozy home in these unpretentious morsels, making them a veritable one- stop shop for wholesome virtuousness.

But the benefits of these sun- hued seeds extend far beyond their emotional nutritive profile. Like bitsy guardians of well- being, they work lifelessly to maintain harmony within the body.

With their cholesterol- lowering prowess, they help keep those pesky lipid situations in check. And as if that were not enough, these fine sensations also advance a hand in regulating blood pressure, icing that the body’s vital channels remain free- flowing and unencumbered.

Rare, precious, and above all, delicious!


Black sesame / kala til Ecosuperb

Black sesame seeds may hail from humble origins in China and Southeast Asia, but these tiny obsidian gems pack a nutritional punch. lack Sesame seeds, Mostly produced in China and Southeast Asia, black sesame is one of several varieties of sesame seeds and it gets it black color from its hull .

Don’t let their inky hue fool you – that deep black color comes courtesy of the seed’s outer hull. Beneath that striking exterior lies a treasure trove of essential nutrients.

These unassuming seeds are true multi-taskers when it comes to promoting overall well-being. From bolstering cardiovascular health to fortifying bones, they lend a helping hand. Digestive woes? Black sesame’s got your back, aiding in smooth digestion.   And that’s not all – these mighty morsels also work their magic on skin and hair, bestowing a radiant glow and luscious locks. As if that weren’t enough, they even support brain function and help regulate blood sugar levels, making them a true superfood ally.


white sesame seeds/ saphed til Ecosuperb

Unpretentious in their pale tinge, undyed sesame seeds are true nutritive rocks that belie their modest appearance. These bitsy morsels are veritable bootstrappers, plugging a potent punch of healthy superfluity, protein, B vitamins, minerals, grittiness, and antioxidants – a virtual cornucopia of salutary factory composites.

But their merits extend far beyond a bare smattering on a burger bun. When devoured in generous portions, these obscure icons can work prodigies. They can prop in maintaining stable race sugar situations, a boon for those seeking to keep their agreeableness in check. Their anti-inflammatory prowess can indeed combat the pangs and closeness of arthritis, offering sweet relief to ailing joints. And as if that were not enough, these unpretentious seeds can advance a phase in lowering cholesterol situations, promoting a healthier cardiovascular system.

While they append a mellow air to dishes, their advantages extend far beyond taste.


snap bean / string sap or green sap Ecosuperb

Ah, the humble snap bean — that crisp, vibrant green veggie that adorns lunch boxes, regale plates & salad bars likewise. With their bright cheery tinges and satisfying crunch, these slender capsules have been delighting palates for generations. But snap sap( also known as string sap or green sap) are far further than a culinary supporting act. For home gardeners, they are one of the most satisfying stars of the vicinity patch, reliably delivering bountiful crops of nutritional capsules with minimum fuss.
Behind that unpretentious surface, the snap bean is commodity of an obscure nutritive idol. Despite being ultra-low in calories, these crisp veggies pack a potent micronutrient punch. Each juicy, snappy bite overflows with vital vitamins and minerals like folate, iron and bone- strengthening calcium. Their substance stretches far beyond their size! Snap sap also boast loads of fiber to promote healthy digestion and help maintain steady blood sugar situations. So whether you are enjoying them straight from the vine, sautéed with garlic or starring in a fresh summer salad you can feel good knowing these vibrant green knockouts are freehandedly nourishing your body from the inside out.


red brown sesame seeds/laal bhoora til Ecosuperb

Still, they are a real pleasure for the eyes, If you’ve noway encountered red sesame seeds ahead. These bitsy seeds have a rich sanguine– brown tinge that makes them sit out beautifully on dishes. Whether sprinkled over salads, ignited goods, or Asian cookery, they append a vibrant pop of color that is hard-bitten not to respectovergrown in tropical regions worldwide, red sesame seeds come from the same factory as regular tan- colored sesame seeds. But their striking appearance makes them special.
Beyond their visual supplication, red brown sesame seeds also deliver in the air office. They’ve a delightfully nutty taste with hints of agreeablenessHeat them up, and the aroma becomes indeed more enticing. While regular sesame seeds are succulent in their own birthright, red brown kinds extend that redundant proportion of nuttiness and warmth. Their air makes them shine on top of stir- feastschuck rolls, or anywhere you want a little redundant oomph. Eye- catching and full of taste- what is not to love about these sanguine– pigmented seeds?


ice cream beans / Inga edulis Ecosuperb

You perused that right- ice cream sap! With a title like that, you fair know this tropical natural product has to be product extraordinaryLocal to South America, the ice cream bean goes by various nom de plumes like joaquiniquil, guama, and guaba. But no matter what you call it, plan to have your faculties satisfied. As you suck into the smooth mash bracing the huge seeds, an unmistakable sensitive, sweet flavor bursts forward. It’s reminiscent of vanilla ice cream, but with an incredible elegant twist.

These wild sap are not fair a oddity treat, in any case. They are stuffed with supplements that make them a superfood of quills. The seeds and mash are stacked with protein, fiber, and sound fats to keep you feeling full and reenergized. There is indeed substantiation that ice cream sap can offer assistance control blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and decrease irritation. Who knew such a delectable, ice cream- suchlike delicacy may too work wonders for your wellbeing? With culinary flexibility and nutritive tips, the ice cream bean truly is a blessing from nature’s cate menu.


adzuki beans / laal faliyaan/Vigna angularis Ecosuperb

Let’s conversation almost one of nature’s uncredited diamonds– the humble adzuki bean. These small hopeful– brown pieces may be bitsy, but they pack a genuine punch of flavor and nourishmentToo known as azuki or aduki sap, they have been cherished in Asian cookery for centuries. When cooked, adzuki sap create an unimaginably wealthy, nutty taste with pleasurable insights of common appropriateness. It’s no ponder they are the star component in that magnificent ruddy bean glue filling set up in various Asian goodies.
But adzuki sap are advance than fair a juicy treat. With their tall fiber substancemoo caloriesand conventional protein circumstances, they make an fabulous expansion to a solid eat lessA few accept these strong  sap can without a doubt prop weight misfortune and boost heart well being. In hallway of the Himalayas, they go by another title– the Himalayan lentil.When cooked appropriately ,adzukisap create   an inconceivably  sensitivesmooth surface that makes them mutable for both sweet and savory dishes.


lupini sap Ecosuperb

Ever heard of lupini sap? If not, you are in for a treat! These gorgeous unheroic legumes may look unpretentious, but they are a true nutritive hustler. Packed with factory- grounded protein, lupini sap are a favorite among insectivores and health-conscious savorers likewise.

But it’s not just about the protein- these little gems are absolutely brimming with essential vitamins and minerals too. We are talking vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron .

What is really unique about lupini sap is their bright, salty flavor. Unlike some sap that can taste a bit earthy or metallic, lupini have a delightfully pungent, nearly failure zing to them when brined and marinated duly.

They make an incredibly moreish snack on their own, but also add a fantastic pop of flavor to salads, pastas, and indeed amalgamations! Do not let their small size fool you- lupini sap pack a serious nutritive punch while being lower in calories than some other protein sources. Once you go lupini, you will no way look at sap the same way again!


winged bean / pankhayukt bean Ecosuperb

Still, get ready to meet one of nature’s best- kept secrets! This protean legume is an each– by– one nutritive package wrapped up in a suitable pack, If you’ve noway heard of the soared bean before. The leaves alone are an absolute vitamin hustler– lumbered with vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin A, and vitaminE. Just imagine getting that inconceivable nutrient boost from some fresh leafy flora! But the soared bean keeps on giving away with its protein- plugged seeds and tender capsules.
Firstly applauding from the tropical regions of Asia, the soared bean has now broadcast its bodies across India as well. You will detect it burgeoning in countries like Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka among others. What makes this special bean so special is its inconceivable versatility- every portion of the factory is comestible! The leaves make a nutrient- thick side, the capsules can be wobbled into curries, and the seeds are full for dals or subzis. Plus, soared sap are fairly ready to grow in hot, sticky climates. An each– natural multitasker that is both succulent and largely nutritional? That is the soared bean for you!


Grass Pea Dal / Khesari Dal Ecosuperb

Have you heard of the humble yet potent Lawn Pea Dal, also known as Khesari Dal? This unpretentious lentil is further than just a culinary delight – it’s a implicit hustler of health benefits. Recent exploration has unveiled its remarkable parcels, making it a good addition to any health-conscious diet.

Beyond its succulent taste, Khesari Dal is being studied for its implicit benefits in combating cardiovascular complaint and cancer treatments. But that is not all – according to experimenters, this inconceivable lentil may also play a part in perfecting memory and could potentially be used to fight Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s runs. also, this protean dal is known for its capability to balance the kapha dosha, enhance energy, promote appetite, strengthen bones, and give relief from pain, fatigue, inflammation, and burning sensations.

With such an emotional array of implicit benefits, it’s no wonder that Grass Pea Dal is snappily gaining recognition as a superfood worth exploring.


peanut /Arachis hypogaea/ groundnut Ecosuperb

The unpretentious peanut, scientifically known as Arachis hypogaea, is a protean legume crop that has won the capitals of people across the sphere. With its numerous aliases, similar as groundnut, goober, or habit nut, this secret treasure has further to extend than precisely its pleasurable taste. The peanut is a true superfood. It’s a hustler of proteins, making it an excellent liberty for those seeking to make and conserve strong muscles. also, its high grittiness content can prop in cargo operation, promoting a feeling of wholeness and precluding gluttony. Beyond its nutritive prowess, the peanut is also trusted to enhance brain function, thanks to its rich force of essential nutrients.Peanuts are famed for their bone- strengthening parcels, thanks to their calcium, magnesium, and other mineral content. also, their antioxidants and salutary superfluity contribute to healthy face, reducing the appearance of fine lines and crimps. Remarkably, these little legumes may indeed play a part in perfecting unreality and reducing the threat of certain diseases, making them a true supporter in maintaining altogether well- being.


Motor Dal / Yellow Split Peas Ecosuperb

Still, also you exclusively must try the tasteful Motor Dal, If you are a addict of lentil dishes that pack a scrumptious punch. This unpretentious dish is a true corroboration to the eidolon that simplicity can be incredibly succulent.

Prepared with a symphonious mix of lentils and the definitive Bengali five fragrancies( Panch Phoron), Motor Dal is a culinary gas that will transport your taste kids on a air trip like no other.

At the heart of this dish lies Motor Dal, a special component drafted from verdant peas that have been precisely hulled, dehydrated, and cleft. Traditionally exercised in hearty cleft pea mists and colorful Asian and African cookeries, Motor Dal is a chief in Bengali presses, frequently devoured as a comforting side dish to accompany storming hot servings of plain-vanilla rice. With its versatility and capability to inoculate dishes with a distinct, nutty air, this component elevates.                                      Motor Dal to a position of culinary distinction that’s sure to leave you pining for further.


soybeans/Glycine max Ecosuperb

The humble soybean has long been deified for its remarkable health benefits & rightfully so. This unpretentious legume packs a nutritive punch that extends far beyond its unpretentious appearance, multitudinous studies have unveiled the eventuality of soybeans and soy- grounded foods to reduce the threat of a wide range of health enterprises. From cardiovascular conditions and strokes to coronary heart complaint & indeed certain types of cancer, the protean soybean has proven itself to be a redoubtable supporter in maintaining overall well- being, also its positive impact on bone health has further solidified its character as a true superfood.

One of the crucial reasons behind the soybean’s health- promoting parcels lies in its high- quality protein content. Incorporating just one or two diurnal servings of soy- grounded products into our diets can give a wealth of benefits. Whether it’s the delicate virtuousness of tofu the nutty crunch of edamame or the rich flavor of tempeh each soy- grounded option offers a unique and pleasurable way to nourish our bodies while securing our well- being.


Split Black gram/Urad dal/Vigna mungo Ecosuperb

Introducing a superfood that is been a chief in Southern Asian cookery for centuries – the Split Black Gram, also known as Urad Dal or Vigna Mungo. This unpretentious lentil may not look like important, but it packs a nutritive punch that will have you pining for further.

still, look no further than the Indian Split Black Gram Matpe sap, If you are on a hunt for a protein and fiber-rich addition to your diet. These potent lentils are a true gift to our digestive system, as the fiber they contain aids in the bulking and smooth passage of droppings, thereby enhancing digestion.

Whether you are battling diarrhea or constipation, these sap can be your safe supporter. But that is not all – by adding the quantum of oxygenated blood reaching your organs, Split Black Gram can give a important- demanded energy boost, making it the perfect companion for an active life.


Urad Dal White Split/safed urad dal/Dhuli Urad Dal Ecosuperb

Let’s conversation around a superfood that merits a spot in each health-conscious kitchen – the humble Urad Dal, too known as White Part or Safed Urad Dal, or Dhuli Urad Dal. This straightforward lentil packs a vital nutritive punch that will make you need to join it into your slim down regularly.
Urad Dal is a genuine blessing from nature, advertising a riches of wellbeing benefits. It’s a incredible source of tall- quality protein and fiber, which not as it were helps in muscle development but too advances a sound stomach related framework. too, this changeable lentil is wealthy in press and calcium, contributing to solid bones and in general well- being. But that is not all – like other grains, Urad Dal gloats a huge number of benefits and is well known for its flexibility in both savory, scandalous dishes and sweet delectables. What is encourage, Urad Dal is a phenomenal source of folic corrosive, making it an fabulous choice for eager maters and those looking to boost their in general wellbeing.


Whole Masoor Dal | Brown Lentils (Sabut Masoor Dal) Ecosuperb

Are you a fan of lentils? If so, you’ll love this Whole Masoor Dal or Brown Lentils recipe! It’s a thick, creamy, and absolutely delicious dish made with whole brown lentils. These lentils, also known as sabut masoor dal, are not only bursting with flavor but also pack a nutritional punch.

This dal is an excellent choice for those watching their cholesterol levels. The fiber in these lentils has the remarkable ability to bind and eliminate cholesterol from the body. So, you can indulge in this flavorful delight without any guilt! Serve it with a side of steaming rice, or pair it with rotis and parathas for a complete and satisfying meal. Trust me; your taste buds and your body will thank you for this delightful addition to your menu.

Masoor Dal has many health benefits when incorporated into the diet. It reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure .


Navy bean/Chitri-waale Rajma/Mangalore beans Ecosuperb

Ah, the humble cortege bean, or as my grandmother hypercritically called them,” chitri- waale rajma”( the freckled bones ) or” Mangalore sap.” These little plums might be small in size, but they pack a potent nutritive punch! Among the vast bean familycortege sap proudly hold a top position when it comes to health benefits.
These unpretentious sap have been cherished for centuries in the Americas, where they were first domesticated by ancient societies. With their distinct round shapedelicate white tinge cortege sap nearly supplicate to be cradled in your triumphsDo not let their fine elevation fool you, though – they are bursting with nutritional virtuousnessmaking them a true superfood in the legume realm.
Known by numerous names haricot, plum haricot, Boston bean, white pea bean or simply pea bean – these protean legumes have endeared themselves to societies across the globe.


pinto beans/Phaseolus vulgaris/frijoles pintos Ecosuperb

Ah, the unpretentious pinto bean – a true kitchen accompaniment that has graced tables worldwide with its earthy fetish Given affectionately as” frijoles pintos” in Spanish, these freckled knockouts go to the cherished Phaseolus vulgaris blood, the same recognized parentage as the common or garden bean.
But do not allow their unpretentious appearance fool you! Pinto sap are nutritive bootstrappers, boasting a low glycemic indicator and an cornucopia of grittiness and protein – a triad that promotes optimal race sugar operation. Whether you are observing your midriff or exclusively seeking a wholesome extension to your refections, these protean legumes are an excellent liberty.And allow‘s not forget the sheer culinary gas that pinto sap can bring to your kitchen! With their delicate texture and a depth of air that can only come froma tard ypatient  poach  a pot of manual pinto sap is a labor of love. Imagine the aroma drifting  through your home, hints of garlic and fragrancies mixing with the earthy substance of the sap themselves.


Snow pea /mangetout Ecosuperb

Let’s conversation approximately the pleasurable snow pea, nature’s blessing of fresh, sweet virtuousness! Too known as the mangetout, these level– podded wonders are a genuine enchant for the facultiesNot at all like their shelling pea relatives, snow peas welcome us to savor the whole cover – seeds, shell, and all – whereas still in their delicateunpracticed glory.
Through centuries of cautious civilization, these peas have been bred to flawlessness, with fragile outside skins that aren’t as it were comestible but out and out juicy. As you peer upon their dynamic green tinges and levelabout inconstant shapes, you can not offer assistance but feel a sense of ponder at nature’s art.But snow peas are not fair a treat for the eyes and taste kids – they are too a nutritive tricksterPressed with healthy fiber, these humble vegetables can offer assistance you keep up solid blood sugar circumstanceswhereas their liberal remedy of vitamin C bolsters a strong defenseless framework. Whether you hurl them into blend– feasts, servings of mixed greens or essentially appreciate them crude as a invigorating nibble.


Field pea/ Pisum sativum Ecosuperb

Ah, the humble field pea – a true obscure idol of the legume world! Known by numerous names, from the simple” dry field pea” to the scientific Pisum sativum, these unpretentious capsules have graced kitchen auditoriums and granges across the globe for centuries.
At first regard, field peas may appear modest, but within those green shells lies a treasure trove of nutrition. Immature peas can be savored as a fresh, vibrant vegetable, their tender agreeableness shining through in salads, stir- feasts, or indeed straight from the cover. These little green gems pack a important punch of protein, fiber, and vital micronutrients, making them a true superfood in disguise.
Beyond their culinary versatility and nutritive prowess, field peas retain an array of retired merits. They are brimming with bioactive composites from enzyme impediments and lectins to phenolics and oligosaccharides, each offering its own unique health- promoting benefits. Whether you are seeking to boost your vulnerable system, regulate your blood sugar or simply nourish your body with whole, natural foods, these unpretentious legumes are an excellent addition to any healthy diet.


Great Northern beans/common beans/Phaseolus vulgaris Ecosuperb

Ok, the Incredible Northern bean – a genuine pearl among the vegetable blood! These sensitive- hued knockouts may feel simple at to begin with respect, but once you witness their pleasurable nutty discuss and sensitive surface, you will be smitten. Imagine the tender smell of these sap stewing down on the stovetop, their extraordinary substance blending with the savory notes of your favorite sauces and fragrancies. Awesome Northern sap are the full oil for culinary inventiveness, enthusiastically retaining the flavors they are combined with, making them an perfect expansion to healthy fogs, wealthy swelters, or smooth purees. Gloating a thin, delicate confront and a lighter thickness than various of their bean lines, Extraordinary Northern sap are a dream for those looking for a tender however wholesome mess , allow not disregard their passionate calcium substance a genuine peculiarity in the production line- grounded world, making them an boundless supporter for keeping up solid bones.



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